Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Them bones, them bones......

them chicken bones. You've just made a roasted chicken (hopefully with my recipe) now you have to clean up. You know what to do with the meat but nothing can be done with the bones so they go in the garbage. WAIT!!!! Those bones are still good. Wouldn't it be lovely to know what was in your chicken stock. To be able to control salt and quality. You can. Once all of the meat is off the chicken save the bones.

Cut up some root veggies and herbs. I used parsnips, carrots, onions, garlic, celery, parsley, peppercorns, and a couple of bay leaves.

If you don't have all of that don't despair. You can use anything you want. Just onions or just herbs. It's really up to you. Then, and this is the hardest part, dump everything (bones and veggies) into a slow cooker.

Whew that was hard wasn't it. Cover with water and let it cook on low for at least 12 hours. Twenty-four hours would be better.

Once it has cooked as long as you would like strain all the veggies and bones out of it. I freeze mine in plastic containers and pull them out for soups or gravy's.

At 4 to 5 dollars in the store for boxed stock this will save your pocket too. Happy eating!!!