Sunday, March 1, 2009

Shameless Plug

Ok so this isn't a food related post. Instead, it is more of a shameless plug. My husband has joined the world of bloggers. Yes, that's right Matt is blogging. The musings of a blind man. Everyone can check out his blog at


Donna said...

I just checked out your hubby's blog. How does he do it? Hope you don't mind me asking. Do you have a voice program on the computer that takes what he says and puts it into word form?


Agent-Smith said...

Hey Donna, just in case you check back on this one, I'll answer it. This is Matt, and I use a screen reader called JAWS to read the information on the screen. Blogspot is easy enough for me to navigate with the help of JAWS. I type on a keyboard just like you, and JAWS will read back to me what I typed, when I use the appropriate hotkeys. I can read anything from a character at a time, to the entire document, email, or webpage.