Thursday, February 19, 2009

Waste not want not!

One of the biggest things I try to do in my kitchen is to eliminate waste. We almost never throw away food. This is something that I am quite proud of. Now you may say that you don't like leftovers so you throw them out. BLAH!!! You DO like leftovers and I can almost guarantee it. What my family isn't willing to eat the next day I freeze. Yes freeze! If there is a spoonful of peas left in the pot at the end of dinner, I freeze it. I keep adding to the frozen container of peas until I use them. When I do use them I put them in soups. Poof....leftovers that everyone will eat. I do this with all veggies, chicken broth/stock, and even meats. Keep a look out for this weeks recipe. The recipe will be made almost entirely with leftovers. Happy eating!