Saturday, February 21, 2009

Recipe of the week 02/21/09 -- "Leftover" Chicken Soup

No I am not going to show you a bowl of leftover soup. Haha! What I will show you is how to make soup almost entirely with leftovers.

Leftover chicken
Leftover Veggies - I keep mine frozen until I need them
Leftover Chicken stock - I also keep this frozen. Chicken broth works too

First get your stock in a pot to boil. I use my stock frozen right out of the freezer. Next chop up your chicken in chunks. Any size you like. This is leftover chicken from last weeks recipe of the week. Remember if you are not going to use it within about three days freeze it.

Next add the veggies you want. Today I added carrots and peas. I only defrost my veggies if I need to chop them up. They should be roughly the same size. You could add anything. Carrots, peas, onions, celery, or any other veggie. Also add the chicken at this time.

When everything comes up to a boil add the noodles. Keep in mind that they will expand a bit when cooked. Continue to boil until the noodles are tender. Usually about 9 minutes or so.

I think this soup is better than anything that can be bought in a can. The best part for me is that I can use all the left overs I have been accumulating. The only thing I had to buy for this meal was the noodles. A need thing to do is to make the soup without the noodles. Freeze it in one serving portions. When you want a bowl of soup just boil your portion and add noodles. Happy eating!!