Saturday, February 28, 2009

Recipe of the Week----Three Envelope Chicken

Boneless chicken
1 pack chicken gravy
1 pack Italian dressing mix
1 pack ranch dressing mix
1 cup water

In a slow cooker place the chicken. Mine is frozen.

Then mix together the flavor packs with one cup of water and pour all over chicken.

Cook on low for 6-8 hours or until chicken is done. Once it is done remove chicken, chunk it up and reserve.

Mix 1/4 cup flour with a some milk and slowly add to liquid in crock pot. Add chicken back into crock pot.

Cook 1hour on high heat until the sauce is thick. Serve over rice or noodles.

My family loves this meal. It's about as easy as it gets. I love that you don't have to remember to defrost the meat ahead of time. The original recipe says to leave the chicken whole and serve over rice. I hope you enjoy this meal as much as my family seems too. Happy Eating!!

Baked Chicken Chimichanga Review

Yummy! Looks like we have found a winner with the whole family. These were easy to make and tasty to eat. They are baked. unlike traditional chimichangas, making them much healthier. I think it is safe to say that this will be added to the least of repeat meals. Happy Eating!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

German Deli Pizza Review

Today I made the German deli pizza for dinner. It definitely is not pizza as one would picture it. This pizza is made with a white sauce, Swiss cheese, and ham. Once you get past the traditional view of pizza it is great. My husband is already requesting it again. Keep your eyes open I am sure this new recipe will be hitting the recipe of the week. Happy Eating!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Recipe of the week 02/21/09 -- "Leftover" Chicken Soup

No I am not going to show you a bowl of leftover soup. Haha! What I will show you is how to make soup almost entirely with leftovers.

Leftover chicken
Leftover Veggies - I keep mine frozen until I need them
Leftover Chicken stock - I also keep this frozen. Chicken broth works too

First get your stock in a pot to boil. I use my stock frozen right out of the freezer. Next chop up your chicken in chunks. Any size you like. This is leftover chicken from last weeks recipe of the week. Remember if you are not going to use it within about three days freeze it.

Next add the veggies you want. Today I added carrots and peas. I only defrost my veggies if I need to chop them up. They should be roughly the same size. You could add anything. Carrots, peas, onions, celery, or any other veggie. Also add the chicken at this time.

When everything comes up to a boil add the noodles. Keep in mind that they will expand a bit when cooked. Continue to boil until the noodles are tender. Usually about 9 minutes or so.

I think this soup is better than anything that can be bought in a can. The best part for me is that I can use all the left overs I have been accumulating. The only thing I had to buy for this meal was the noodles. A need thing to do is to make the soup without the noodles. Freeze it in one serving portions. When you want a bowl of soup just boil your portion and add noodles. Happy eating!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Waste not want not!

One of the biggest things I try to do in my kitchen is to eliminate waste. We almost never throw away food. This is something that I am quite proud of. Now you may say that you don't like leftovers so you throw them out. BLAH!!! You DO like leftovers and I can almost guarantee it. What my family isn't willing to eat the next day I freeze. Yes freeze! If there is a spoonful of peas left in the pot at the end of dinner, I freeze it. I keep adding to the frozen container of peas until I use them. When I do use them I put them in soups. Poof....leftovers that everyone will eat. I do this with all veggies, chicken broth/stock, and even meats. Keep a look out for this weeks recipe. The recipe will be made almost entirely with leftovers. Happy eating!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Recipe of the Week 02/15/09---Roasted Chicken and Veggies


Roasting Chicken
Italian Herb Mix
Olive Oil
Root Veggies


Rinse and pat dry a 4 to 5 pound chicken. Mix together olive oil and Italian seasoning into a small bowl. Use a basting brush to paint the chicken with the oil mixture.

Cook for 1 hour at 350. While the Chicken is cooking peel and chunk up root veggies. I used sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, and onions. I also added in some garlic. Whole peeled cloves work well. I used minced garlic from a jar.

Baste the chicken with the olive oil mixture again. Then add remaining oil mixture to root veggies and toss. Add veggies to roasting pan around chicken.

Cook for another 45 mins to 1 hour, or until chicken is no longer pink. Stir veggies every 15 mins or so.

This is a very flavorful moist chicken. My family really enjoys this one. Not only is this meal cheap, but the leftovers are great the next day in soup. Happy Eating!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wonton review

I loved these little tiny wantons. This recipe makes quite a few, but they are tiny. Great for a finger food night. Sadly, my family won't be eating these anymore as my husband didn't like them at all.

March Menus

1. Cream Corn Chicken Soup
2. Tilapia, Jasmine rice, peas
3. Sirloin steak, fries, broccoli
4. Hot dogs, baked beans, pasta salad, sour kraut
5. Sesame Noodles, grilled chicken, corn
6. Asian meatballs, rice, broccoli
7. Cheesy Shells
8. Roast Chicken
9. Lemon Chicken, corn
10. Chicken enchiladas
11. Pork roast, sour kraut, mashed potatoes
12. Chicken Short orders, peas
13. Make your own pizza
14. Pancakes sausage
15. Sweet and sour chicken over brown rice
16. Ham, scalloped potatoes, peas
17. Bacon chicken and cheese, noodles, broccoli
18. Pork chops, stuffing, corn
19. Cornish game hens, mashed potatoes, carrots
20. Potato Soup
21. Quesadillas, red beans and rice
22. Pepperoni Chicken, corn, potatoes
23. Chicken Nuggets, fries, peas
24. Pork chops in mustard sauce
25. Curry Chicken and rice
26. Pork cube steak, mashed potatoes, corn
27. Hamburger helper, peas
28. Eggs Benedict
29. Chicken and Dumplings -Crock pot
30. Three Envelope chicken, noodles, peas
31. Salisbury Steak, mashed potatoes broccoli

The recipes I have in bold are recipes that are new to our family.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Recipe of the Week 02/07/09---Sweet and Sour Chicken

Sweet and Sour Chicken---I call this Orange Chicken


1T. Soy sauce
1 T. chicken broth
1/2 t. salt, ground ginger, garlic powder

Mix all of this together and stir into about a pound of chicken breast cubed. Let sit for 30 mins.

Sweet and sour sauce

1 cup orange juice
2 T. cornstarch
2T. Sugar
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1/4 cup ketchup
1 T. soy sauce

Mix all of these ingredients and reserve for later.


Dip each piece of chicken into cornstarch and fry in a bit of canola oil.

Make sure to keep chicken in a single layer. Brown both sides.

As one batch is done move it to a plate with paper towels to drain. When all of the chicken is cooked and draining on the plate, pour the sauce mixture into the skillet.

Put the chicken back into skillet and stir to coat. When everything is hot through and thickened serve over rice.

This is my husbands all time favorite dinner(after seafood of course). The original recipe called for a can of pineapple chunks instead of orange juice . Since no one in my family likes pineapple(except me) I made the substitution. Happy eating!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Look what I made

I made a Pecan pie for the first time yesterday. It turned out well. I am so excited and will definitely be posting my recipe.

Pepperoni Chicken Review

My family gives the Pepperoni Chicken we had Sunday a five out of five rating. This is definitely something we will be having again and something that will be featured as a recipe of the week. It also follows well with my no waste philosophy. The tomato sauce that it was cooked in I have frozen and will be tossing with pasta one day for lunch.