Saturday, September 5, 2009

Recipe of the Week 09/05/09----Pasta alla Carbonara

1lb linguine pasta
4 eggs
1 pound bacon (pancetta would be good to if you have access to it)
1 1/2 cups Parmesan cheese
8-12 cloves of garlic
1 large onion
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup white wine (I use more stock because of the little ones)
1/2 stick of butter
1 handful of parsley
1-2 tablespoons black pepper

Slice up one pound of bacon in about 1 inch pieces. Yummy bacon.

Toss the bacon in a pan to cook.

While your bacon is cooking put your water onto boil for your pasta.

Chop one onion.

Make sure you check on your bacon so it doesn't burn. Burnt bacon is NOT good.

Once the bacon is cooked pull it out with a slotted spoon and reserve it for later.

Put the diced onion into the bacon grease to cook for a couple of mins.

While your onions are cooking slice up your garlic into thin pieces.

Throw the garlic in with the onions to cook. Do NOT put the garlic in with the onions at the same time. The garlic will burn before your onions cook.

Check your pasta water. It should be boiling by now. Add some salt and the pasta. Cook about 9-12 mins. Check the package for instructions.

Remove onions and garlic and reserve with the bacon.
(Oops forgot to take a picture of this)

Discard the bacon grease, but do NOT clean the pan. Place pan on high heat and de-glaze with wine or stock. De-glaze is a fancy word for pouring liquid in a pan and scraping up the yummy bits.

Whisk until all the brown yummy bits come up from the bottom. Add another cup of stock and the bacon, onions, and garlic and let simmer over medium heat.

In a large bowl (it is going to hold all of your pasta so make it a big-un) crack four eggs. Add parmasean and chopped up parsley (I didn't have fresh so it is dried for me). Mix it up.

Drain pasta.

Add pasta to egg mixture. Don't panic the heat from the pasta will definitely cook the eggs.

Add the bacon mixture on top of the pasta.

Then add 1/2 stick of butter on top of that. Hey back off I never said this was a healthy recipe.

Mix it all up together with lots of black pepper.

Yummy stuff. Pasta alla Carbonara is like heaven on a plate. WOW!! Seriously this is one of my favorite meals ever. It is, as you can see, not very healthy. Definitely a sometimes food as Elmo would say. I sure hope you enjoy this as much as my family does. I threw in some picture of the boys so you can see just how much they love it. Happy Eating!!!


Unknown said...

omg ok i am sooo totally stealing this reciepe it sounds super yummy!!!