Friday, July 31, 2009

Chicken and Mushrooms in a Balsamic Cream Sauce Review

This was a hit in our house. I was a bit worked about it at first. Vinegar and cream just didn't seem like a good combo to me. However, there is only 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 3 of cream. It works out perfectly. I have always heard the mushrooms are meaty. For the first time I truly understood that statement. This was a very tasty, very easy dinner. We will definitely be making this one again.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Food should be fun...

Everyone knows that food is a necessity for life. Most of us moms (and dads) find cooking dinner a chore. It's something that we have to do everyday no matter what. It doesn't matter how bad we slept or how long our day at work was. Dinner is a must. Especially when you have an 18 month old who is screaming at the top of his lungs because he thinks making dinner should take 2 seconds. My solution to the drudgery of every day dinner making. HAVE FUN WITH IT. Yep make it a game with the kids, or just add some food coloring to something. Check out what we had for dinner tonight.

That's right Green Eggs and Ham. I like them. I like them Sam-I-Am.

Happy eating.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Recipe of the Week 07/26/09----Lasagna

This weeks recipe is dedicated to Stephanie. She is make lasagna for the first time today. Although hers is a slow cooker recipe, I thought I would show everyone how to make a traditional lasagna.


Lasagna noodles (duh)
Spaghetti Sauce
Parm Cheese
Ricotta Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese

Boil the noodles...Don't overcook these. They will cook more in the oven.

While the noodles are boiling mix up the cheese filling. Two containers of ricotta cheese.

One teaspoon of oregano. Like my measuring spoon?

One fourth of a cup of Parmesan cheese. See my measuring spoon doubles as a measuring cup too.

A big handful of shredded mozzarella cheese.

One egg.

Mix it all together and set it aside.

In a 9x13 baking dish spread a little spaghetti sauce. Don't forget to do this. If you do your bottom noodles will get all hard and gross. Trust me!

On top of the thin layer of sauce add your first layer of noodles. About three fits nicely into my dish.

On top of the noodles add a layer of the cheese mixture. I find making small dollops and then spreading is the easiest way.

Next add a layer of sauce.

Keep making layers until you get to the top of your dish. The last layer should be sauce and then shredded mozzarella cheese. Bake at 350 for one hour. Don't forget to let it set for at least 15 mins before cutting it.

Here's a little secret for you. The cheese mixture is the same one I use to make stuffed shells. Very tasty. Happy eating everyone!!

Chicken Cigar Review

This was a Rachael Ray recipe that I found on the FoodNetwork web site. Our family really enjoyed this and it will probably become a monthly thing for us. They are really spicy but not hot spicy. I cut the chili powder from 2 tsp. to 1 tsp. because of the kids and it was perfect. Also a friend of mine tried these before us and said they were a bit dry. So I added a grated onion and some grated garlic to mine. Not dry at all and very tasty. Keep you eyes peeled. I smell a recipe of the week.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Farmers Market

The best produce is fresh produce. No question about that. It certainly doesn't get an fresher than the produce at the local farmers market. Yesterday we went to our local one and spent just over seven dollars. We got broccoli, cucumbers, green beans, and peaches. Yummy. Alex and I made the green beans today. I snapped the ends off and he snapped them in half. The best part he ate a ton of them because he helped to make them.

August Menus

It's that time again....Menus. As always anything in bold is a new recipe and will be followed by a review (that is if I can remember to do them).

1. French toast
2. Chicken and Mushrooms in Balsamic cream sauce
3. Chicken Fajitas
4. Pizza, corn
5. Pork roast, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes
6. Chimichangas (haha the spell check thinks this should be Chimpanzee), rice
7. Pork chops, cheesy potatoes, peas
8. Cubans, Pasta salad
9. Roasted chicken, lemon orzo, peas
10. Chicken pot pie
11. Chicken curry, coconut rice
12. Shake and bake chicken, mac and cheese, broccoli
13. Eggs Benedict
14. Meatballs, spaghetti, sauce, garlic bread
15. Pork chops, warm potato salad, peas
16. Pork cube steak, mashed potatoes, stuffing
17. Crabby Patties, fries
18. Chicken stir fry, rice
19. Cream cheese chicken, noodles, cali blend
20. Corn dogs, baked beans, pudding (I don't know why the pudding, but it was requested)
21. Italian Chicken Breast, peas, roasted potatoes
22. Turkey breast, mashed potatoes, stuffing
23. Turkey enchiladas
24. Lemon Chicken, rice, corn
25. Ham steak, cheesy potatoes, peas
26. Hamburger helper, peas
27. Grilled honey lime, chicken sammies, fries
28. Tacos, rice
29. Beef stroganoff, noodles, Lima beans
30. Subs, pasta salad
31. Honey Mustard Chicken breast, rice, broccoli

Monday, July 13, 2009

Recipe of the Week 07/12/09---Honey Lime Grilled Chicken Sandwhich

I know I have been slacking on the recipes of the week. Sorry about that. With all the nice weather we have been having it just seems a shame to waste it at the computer. Anyhow here is this weeks recipe. I hope you try and enjoy it.

Honey Lime Grilled Chicken Sandwiches


Chicken Cutlets (These cook best I think. Make your own by cutting a boneless skinless chicken breast in half lengthwise).
Lime (juice and zest)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Grill Seasoning (plain salt and pepper will work too)
Crusty Rolls

Zest the lime (just the green part not the white stuff) and juice it.

Take a big handful of cilantro(just the leafy part) and chop it up.

Add it to the bowl.

Add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (you can use canola too if you want).

Two tablespoons of honey

One teaspoon of cumin

Season the chicken on both sides with grill seasoning or salt and pepper.

Add chicken to marinade and let sit for 10 mins.

Cook on a grill or in a skillet until chicken is done.

You could eat this on a sandwich just as it is, but I like to slice mine up and pile it on a crusty roll.

Happy Eating!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pasta Carbonara Review...

All I can say is heaven on a plate. WOW!!! This was incredibly delicious. My entire family enjoyed this creamy master piece. The only's not for the dieting. It has bacon, lots of cheese, and butter in it. Not so hot for your waistline. However, keep your eyes peeled as I am sure this will be a recipe of the week.